Pearl Der

My own personal Movement Journey began when I realized that it is necessary for the mind, body and spirit to be connected as we move; that intelligent movement empowers and heals. Prior to this "aha" moment, I was merely moving body parts but not the whole. A cycle began of "my body hurting-not listening-my body hurting-not listening- my body hurting-injury!!" How or when did I lose my grace, strength and agility but most importantly when did I stop listening to my body? Good questions deserve good answers, I knew that I needed to investigate ways to move better or I would end up being a broken down and rusted vehicle of a person. 

While on this path of discovery and wellness, I have been fortunate to find many teachers that have helped me find me again. As the saying goes "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." As a life long learner, I am deeply honoured to have been in the company of  intelligent and passionate movement educators. I am grateful for all the wisdom and knowledge they have shared. I have recaptured my youthful movement patterns. Reawakening my mind body and spirit connection has been profound and equally gratifying. I am feeling more mobile,freer, more confident and younger with every passing year!


A note to my past, present and future clients

I am eternally grateful to all the clients that are currently or have supported me in the past. Thank you for continuing to walk alongside this path with me. You are my inspiration to be and do better. The ability to share, laugh and connect with motivated and dedicated clients is truly a gift.  My  journey of movement has created such an empowering and uplifting career that I can not believe that I get to do what I do every single day. I hope you are enjoying your movement journey as much as I have been observing, guiding and sharing. Thank you for trusting me with your body. It is both an honour and a privilege.


Continuing Education

Hypopressives Level 1 & 2 2025

Certified Emotion Code Practitioner 2020

Voila 2.0 Structural Joint Balancing 2018

Muscles and Meridians 2018

Voila 1.5 Structural Joint Balancing 2017

Voila 1.0 Structural Joint Balancing 2017

Wim Hof  Workshop 2017

Anatomy In Motion  2017 & 2015

Eldoa Level 1&2 2016

 Level 3 Neurokinetic Therapy®  2015

Primal Movement Chains 2015

Integrated Cranial 2015

Yamuna® Table Treatment 2014

Balanced Body Barre 2013

Thai Massage Therapy 2010

Reiki Level 2 2005

Yamuna® Body Rolling 2002

Pilates Mat 2000